Peer Critique, one-off (November 2019) • Last activity 11/May

Get feedback on a completed piece (short piece or book chapter) of literary fiction, upmarket fiction, or creative nonfiction. A great introduction to the Liz Lerman Critical Response process and to other IV writers’ work and critique styles. Open to anyone interested, but especially to writers looking to learn more about critiquing and for those seeking new critique partners or groups; these often form organically after one-time workshops.


To practice a rigorous and encouraging method of giving feedback; to get constructive and supportive feedback on manuscripts; and to meet fellow literary fiction, upmarket fiction, and creative non-fiction writers for potential future critique partners/groups.

Admissions Policies

Some experience with critique is highly recommended but open to all. A commitment to respect and encouragement as well as rigor and honesty in the feedback process.

What we're looking for in members

Enthusiastic writers interested in learning about rigorous and encouraging feedback and those looking to meet potential new critique partners. Also essential is interest in real-time conversation; attendance at the two-hour live messaging chat on Monday November 18 is a requirement. It's great if you're a writer looking for more critique partners or a small group, but not required. For creative nonfiction writers, it will work best if your piece is literary vs journalistic or academic/research-based.