Teller of Tales • Last activity 21/Apr

Teller of Tales is a Creative Nonfiction accountability, critique, and writer’s discussion group for all things Creative Nonfiction such as but not limited to personal essays, short stories, memoir, flash nonfiction, narrative journalism, and screenwriting. 

The primary focus for Teller of Tales, especially for writers wanting accountability, is achieving weekly, monthly, and annual writing goals. Writer’s will declare writing objectives the first of the month, every Monday, and review at the end of the month for improvements, adjustments, and progression. Fellow writers will provide encouragement and helpful insights. The goal line roadmap will offer a platform for all other things to fall into place.

Giving and receiving constructive criticism is at the core of improving one’s writing. Critiques will preferably be in the form of a Writer’s Perspective and or a Reader’s Response. A Writer’s Perspective – the techniques the writer uses, sentence and paragraph structure (syntax), the writer’s intention (theme/impact), and analysis of a scene, summary, dialogue, etc. A Reader’s Response – how does the work invoke memories and feelings, do you enjoy the piece, do you find the reading to be entertaining or challenging, and how does the work relate or not relate to your life experiences, etc. In keeping with the realms of professionalism, members will assess grammar only when requested.

Writer’s discussions will contribute to pertinent industry happenings such as writing contests, submission deadlines, ways to improve, and other writing opportunities.



Nonfiction (Memoir, Narrative nonfiction, Essay, Other Short Nonfiction)


Teller of Tales composition, goals, and activities are subject to change and any comments, suggestions, and or questions are always welcome.

What we're looking for in members

Teller of Tales is looking for members dedicated to their craft and wants to improve their writing by creating writing habits that will secure their place in the literary industry. Enthusiastic and productive writers need only inquire about an invite.

Inactivity Policy

Teller of Tales is meant to be a robust writing space, and therefore requires writers to participate regularly to safeguard a balanced writing environment. It is understandable life gets in the way. Open communication is key to a productive writing relationship. It is expected and respected.