November 2023

Friday Writing Sprints

<p>Join us for live writing sprints to work on your projects. We will do two 55-minute sprints with 5-minute breaks in between. This session is for adult and children's writers of any category or genre, and any stage: brainstorming, outlining, drafting, or revising.<br></p>

Lecture replays are available after the free trial ends. To end your trial early, email .

About Lecturer

About Emily Bailey

For many years, Emily worked as an actor in London’s West End, but these days she prefers creating her own stories. She lives in England where she mothers three teenage wildlings and can usually be found at her kitchen table with a zillion tabs open and a cup of hot English tea, daydreaming and weaving words into stories. Emily is passionate about creating spaces which build human connection and create community and belonging. Today, she helps do this through her role as the Community Lead for Middle Grade and Young Adult writers at Inked Voices.