Middle Grade Fiction First Pages


with Brooke McIntyre

Group started
Get feedback on your first 3,750 words (15 pages) with literary agent Christa Heschke, of McIntosh & Otis, and a small group of writers. Participants will submit their pages at the event start and then have two weeks to critique one another's work. Christa will post her feedback at the end of the two weeks. After the critiques, we'll hold a webinar debrief, where each person is given time to ask Christa questions about their manuscript feedback, as well as other questions. This is a great opportunity to meet other middle grade writers, learn from their feedback, and to get feedback from an agent familiar with the children's publishing market.


Who this workshop is for:


Group size: writers



Members: $; Non-members: $

About Brooke McIntyre


Mon, March 6th - Submissions due
Mon, March 20th - Critiques due
Wed, March 22nd - *Discussion call 8-10 pm ET
Sun, March 26th - Group closes

*Participants unable to attend the call will be able to send manuscript questions in advance to be answered on the call and the call will be recorded.
**Participants may do an optional exchange before the workshop starts; Christa will join in on March 6th.