Middle Grade Fiction First Pages, with John Cusick

July 20th, 2018 - August 14th, 2018

with Brooke McIntyre

Group started
Get feedback on your first 3,750 words (15 pages) with literary agent John Cusick, of Folio Literary Management, and a small group of writers. Participants will submit their pages at the event start and then have just over two weeks to critique one another's work. John will post his feedback at the end of the two weeks. After the critiques, we'll hold a webinar debrief, where each person is given time to ask John questions about their manuscript feedback, as well as other questions. This is a great opportunity to meet other serious middle grade writers, learn from their feedback, and get feedback from an agent familiar with the children's publishing market.

Inked Voices and John Cusick are pleased to offer a free spot to a person of color writing an #ownvoices work. To apply, fill out a short application here: https://inkedvoices.typeform.com/to/DzdcNK


Who this workshop is for: Middle grade fiction writers interested in market and editorial feedback from an agent and interested in meeting other middle grade fiction writers.


Group size: 8 writers

Submissions: Writers should submit their first 3,750 words (15 pages) for critique.


Members: $82; Non-members: $99

About Brooke McIntyre

John M. Cusick is an agent with Folio Jr. / Folio Literary Management, representing picture books, middle-grade, and young adult novels. He is also the author of GIRL PARTS and CHERRY MONEY BABY (Candlewick Press), as well as a regular speaker at writers conferences. His clients include New York Times Bestselling authors and award-winners. You can find him online at www.JohnMCusick.com and on twitter, @johnmcusick.


Fri, July 20th: Submissions Due
Sun, Aug 5th: Critiques Due
Tues, Aug 7th: Debrief Call, 8-10pm
Tues, Aug 14th: Group Closes