Picture Books and Easy Readers, with Sean McCarthy, 2019

March 4th, 2019 - March 27th, 2019

with Sean McCarthy

Group started
Preparing your picture book or easy reader manuscript for submission? Get your manuscript critiqued by Sean McCarthy, an experienced literary agent who enjoys mentoring writers. You'll also meet other serious kidlit writers, sharpen your eye by giving feedback and receive the benefits of workshopping with a group - like meeting other writers, and learning by exchanging feedback. How it works: Submit your manuscript to the group when the group officially kicks off on March 4th. Then, group members have just over 2 weeks to exchange feedback on one another's work. Sean will post his critiques towards the end of that time. After critiques are complete, Sean will host a webinar to address key feedback themes and answer both manuscript and writing questions. Each writer will have individual time on the call to ask questions.

Sean McCarthy and Inked Voices are pleased to give a free spot to a writer from a diverse background. Apply by 2/14: https://inkedvoices.typeform.com/to/mESJrc


Who this workshop is for: This workshop is geared towards PB writers who have studied their craft and are looking for constructive, professional feedback from an agent and their peers.


Group size: 8 writers

Submissions: Submit a fiction PB of 1000 words or less, or a nonfiction PB of 1500 words or less.


Members: $72; Non-members: $90

About Sean McCarthy

Sean McCarthy began his publishing career as an editorial intern at Overlook Press and then moved over to the Sheldon Fogelman Agency. He worked as the submissions coordinator and permissions manager before becoming a full-time literary agent. Sean graduated from Macalester College with a degree in English-Creative Writing, and is grateful that he no longer has to spend his winters in Minnesota.

He is drawn to flawed, multifaceted characters with devastatingly concise writing in YA, and character-driven work or smartly paced mysteries/adventures in MG. In picture books, he looks more for unforgettable characters, off-beat humor, and especially clever endings. He is not currently interested in issue-driven stories or query letters that pose too many questions.


Mon, Mar 4th - Submissions due
Tues, Mar 19th - Critiques due
Thurs, Mar 21st - Debrief call, 8-10:15 pm ET
Wed, Mar 27th - Group ends