2019 Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy, with Naomi Davis

October 2nd, 2019 - October 29th, 2019

with Brooke McIntyre

Group started
Get feedback on the first 3,750 words (15 pages) of your Adult Science Fiction or Fantasy novel with literary agent Naomi Davis of Bookends Literary. How it works: Submit your first pages to the group on October 2nd, when the group officially kicks off. Over the next two and a half weeks, group members critique one another's work. Naomi will post her written feedback towards the end of this time. After the critiques, Naomi will hold a webinar for debrief and discussion, where each writer gets individual time to ask questions about their manuscript. This is a great opportunity to meet other writers, learn from their feedback, and get feedback from an agent who knows the publishing market.

Naomi Davis and Inked Voices are pleased to make a spot available, free of charge, to a writer from a diverse background. Apply: https://inkedvoices.typeform.com/to/teLUFo


Who this workshop is for: Adult SFF writers interested in market and editorial feedback from an agent and in leveling up their work through the workshop process.

Focus: Adult - Novels - Science Fiction

Group size: 8 writers

Submissions: Writers should submit their first 3,750 words (about 15 pages) for critique.


Members: $82; Non-members: $99

About Brooke McIntyre

Authors have always been Naomi Davis's superheroes. Growing up in Minnesota, she spent her elementary years pretending she was every character in every book she read. Now a mother, gardener, and beekeeper, Naomi loves meeting readers everywhere she goes and finding out what makes them love the books that sweep them away. A life-long writer and author-fanatic, she has a mild to moderate obsession with slippers, and sings in two philharmonic choirs.

Naomi's first steps into the world of publishing came in grade nine, when she was invited to job-shadow the Editor-in-Chief of a newspaper. She then tip-toed into the world of journalism, having an article published by a magazine in her senior year of high school. Since then, her joy in the literary industry has taken many forms: blogging, critiquing, and writing fiction. Naomi has a passion for helping authors develop stakes, voice immersion, and tension to a story's highest possible potential, and often tweets about strategies for accomplishing those goals on her Twitter @NaomisLitPix

After five years with Inklings Literary Agency, Naomi is elated to join the Bookends team and grow her client list. She seeks dynamic, character-driven adult and young adult titles in fantasy, sci-fi, and romance. LGBTQ+ elements and diversity in all fiction are a particular plus, and Naomi will consider picture books featuring those elements. Naomi is particularly passionate about finding new fantasy and sci-fi settings with unique magical structures that surprise the reader and change the rules readers associate with those worlds.


Wed, Oct 2nd - Submissions due
Sun, Oct 20th - Critiques due
Tues, Oct 22nd, 8-10pm ET - Debrief call
Tues, Oct 29th - Group officially closes