Middle Grade First Pages, with Alex Slater

September 15th, 2020 - October 15th, 2020

with Brooke McIntyre

Group started
Get feedback on your first 3,750 words (15 pages) with literary agent Alex Slater, of Trident Media Group, and a small group of writers. Participants will submit their pages at the event start and then have two and a half weeks to critique one another's work. Alex will post his feedback at the end of this timeframe. After the critiques, we'll hold a webinar debrief, where each person is given time to ask Alex questions about their manuscript feedback, as well as other questions. This is a great opportunity to meet other middle grade writers, learn from their feedback, and to get feedback from an agent familiar with the children's publishing market.

Inked Voices & Alex Slater are pleased to offer a place in the workshop, free of cost, to a diverse writer. Apply by 8/12: https://inkedvoices.typeform.com/to/Fm03wF.


Who this workshop is for: Middle grade fiction writers interested in market and editorial feedback from an agent and interested in meeting other middle grade fiction writers.

Focus: Children's - Middle Grade - Adventure or Mystery

Group size: 8 writers

Submissions: There will be one submission of your first 3750 words (approximately 15 pages) at the workshop start. Participants should also plan to share their pitch/short summary with their pages. Your pitch is not included in the word count and will not be critiqued.


Members: $95; Non-members: $112

About Brooke McIntyre

Alex Slater has been with Trident Media Group since 2010. In that time, he worked for years as a Foreign Rights agent, exclusively selling the agency’s children and teen projects to translation publishers, and attending the Bologna, London, and Frankfurt Book Fairs. He is still building his list with middle grade and young adult fiction and nonfiction, as well as with graphic novels, thrillers, and memoirs. Some of his clients include Jodi Kendall, Kelly Yang, and J.W. Ocker.


Wed, Sept 16th -Writers submit
Mon, Oct 5th - Critiques due
Thurs, Oct 8th - Debrief call, 8-10pm ET