Authors Seeking/Providing Reviews of published or pre-published work • Last activity 24/Jul

Reviews of published or ready-to-publish work will be posted here on the site and may be copied by the receiver, with the reviewers permission, onto other sites (Amazon, GoodReads, blogs, etc.) as editorial reviews. Receiving authors may also request reviewers to post their reviews on Amazon, GoodReads, blogs, etc. but it is not required.

FOR THOSE REQUESTING REVIEWS: Each person requesting a review will post information about their work. The requesting author will post in the thread: Title, genre, 1-3 sentence blurb, word length, and site names where the reviewer may post besides in this group. They then submit a full blurb or synopsis in the critique section. 

Once an interested reviewer contacts you, it is your responsibility to provide a free copy to the reviewer (PDF, EPUB., or hard copy), although reviewers may choose to buy a copy instead. 

Once the review is posted at the bottom of the critique page (in the Overall Feedback section), the recipient must ask permission of the reviewer to post it elsewhere (if that is desired) and inquire as to how the reviewer wants to be identified. 

FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN WRITING A REVIEW (I encourage all those requesting reviews to also offer at least one review): Each person interested in providing a review will look over the messages and short descriptions authors have posted to select a book that is a good fit. Once you've identified a book to review, select the corresponding critique submission and read more to confirm this is a book you would want to review. Return to the messages and inform the author of your intent to review (as a reply) and provide an approximate timeline (no more than 45 days) for the reading and completion of the review. Also let the author know what type of free version you would like (PDF, EPUB, or hard copy), and make arrangements with the author for receiving this copy.

Upon finishing your review, enter it at the bottom of the critique page in the "Overall Feedback" section. If you have suggestions for improving the author's blurb or synopsis, you can provide those as comments on the critique page. 

FOR BOTH PARTIES TO CONSIDER: It is imperative that reviewers are both honest and fair and once they've notified an author they will provide a review, they stick to their commitment to the best of their ability, being timely and reading the work in full. Authors who seek reviews are not required to post a review elsewhere but are expected to be graciously appreciative of the time and thought put into each review. 



Novels (Literary, Upmarket, Relationship fiction (sometimes called Women’s Fiction), Historical fiction, Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Horror, Mystery, Crime, and Thriller, Romance)
Short Fiction (Flash Fiction, Literary, upmarket or general, Historical, Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, Other Speculative Fiction, Mystery, Crime, or Thriller, Romance)
Poetry (Poetry)
Nonfiction (Memoir, Narrative nonfiction, Essay, Other Short Nonfiction)


Picture Books (Fiction, Nonfiction)
Early Readers and Chapter Books (Early Readers and Chapter Books)
Middle Grade (Contemporary fiction, Historical Fiction, Adventure or Mystery, Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, Graphic Novel, Memoir, Nonfiction)
Young Adult (Contemporary fiction, Historical Fiction, Mystery, Crime, or Thriller, Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Horror, Romance, Graphic Novel, Memoir, Nonfiction)


To find reviewers for your pre-published or published work - by providing ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies) or or other forms of free copies to interested reviewers. Although gathering ARC reviews is standard practice for Indie Published authors, Agent Published authors also appreciate reviews. Through this group I hope to facilitate/encourage colleagues to review each other's work. There are systems out there which attempt to offer reviews for money. These sites often lack honesty from reviewers. Inked Voices is a safe and supportive group. I hope you will find this group as useful and cordial as I have found all the other groups in which I've participated within IV.

Admissions Policies

Anyone with a ready-to-publish book or an already published book may seek a reviewer by signing up. Any authors interested in providing reviews may sign up.

What we're looking for in members

Honesty and thoughtfulness in expressing your opinions, ability to provide a blurb or synopsis of your book, commitment to completing a review once offered.