MG Masterminds • Last activity 28/May

Agented and pre-published advanced (e.g., highly versed in craft, awards for wip, agent ms requests)



Middle Grade (Contemporary fiction, Historical Fiction, Adventure or Mystery, Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror)


To help each other's writing and stories flourish and to traditionally publish

Admissions Policies

Must be an SCBWI member. Submit 3000 words sample pages for audition to and crit 2 pages of each existing member's wip.

What we're looking for in members

Meets deadlines, be responsive to group communications, professional, friendly, sense of humor, thoughtful critiques given, acceptance of critiques received (with full discretion to apply or not to wip, of course), committed to writing, committed to enriching children's lives with books.

Inactivity Policy

90 days without submitting wip for crit may result in end of group membership. New members must submit wip for critique each month for the first 4 months of membership.