Middle Grade Adventures • Last activity 12/Jun

A group of writers and writer/illustrators providing thoughtful feedback on middle-grade fiction works-in-progress.



Middle Grade (Contemporary fiction, Historical Fiction, Adventure or Mystery, Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, Graphic Novel, Memoir, Nonfiction)


Grow our writing craft, prepare for (possible) publication, and develop fruitful friendships.

Admissions Policies

I am looking to grow the group, get to know each other and our works-in-progress, and then start critiquing in February or March. Please request an invite including your writing background, goals, and a 1500-word sample of your current WIP. :0) I can't wait to hear from you!

What we're looking for in members

Fun, thoughtful, kind writers ready to take our writing to the next level.

Inactivity Policy

3 months inactivity may result in removal from the group.