Character-Driven Adult Fiction • Last activity 22/Jan

Working on various forms of fiction, for publication and/or personal pleasure.  Starting from the assumption that we are all writers comfortable in our craft and are looking for feedback on current work.



Novels (Literary, Upmarket, Relationship fiction (sometimes called Women’s Fiction), Historical fiction)
Short Fiction (Flash Fiction, Literary, upmarket or general, Historical)
Nonfiction (Narrative nonfiction)


Great writing, publication/agent-ready work, support, accountability.

Admissions Policies

NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTING NEW MEMBERS. Please provide a 250-500 words for review.

What we're looking for in members

Thoughtful, constructive, respectful, honest critiques. Members who are willing to commit to submission and critique schedule (barring life events).

Inactivity Policy

Inactivity for one month will result in removal from the group.