The Fantasy and Sci-Fi Lounge • Last activity 17/Jun

A group for Fantasy/Sci-Fi writers interested in working from the fundamentals of their story to the finish line. Feel free to share your plot, your notes, or your prose, and get thoughtful feedback. All lengths are welcome!



Novels (Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Science Fiction)
Short Fiction (Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Science Fiction)


Middle Grade (Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Science Fiction)
Young Adult (Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Science Fiction)


To foster a small community of members who want to achieve a common goal - get our work out into the world. To understand each other's work from the core building blocks to the overall story. To connect with others, share ideas and foster a sense of community.

Admissions Policies

If this group sounds like something that can help you, send a message to one of the facilitators with a little bit about yourself and your story (sub-genre, length, current word count, synopsis). We accept all Sci-Fi and Fantasy Subgenres!

What we're looking for in members

Writers, whether seasoned or starting out, with a serious intent to get their work into the world. This group is open for those who want to master their craft, from plot, to character arcs, to sentence structure. Our three rules are: - Be kind - Be constructive - feedback should be meaningful and helpful and - Please give more than you take! If members do end up taking more than they're giving without reason, then we will have to implement a critique ratio, where you cannot submit unless you critique. We may have occasional zoom or discord meetings to discuss more complicated concepts. These are not mandatory and are for convenience.

Inactivity Policy

If you're going to be away for longer than two weeks, let us know out of courtesy. We won't remove you unless it's been over three months with no contact/explanation. Breaks are completely okay, though, so don't be afraid to let the group, or one of the facilitators, know.