Literary and Upmarket Fiction First Pages, with Katie Grimm


with Brooke McIntyre

Group started
Get feedback on the first 3,750 words (15 pages) of your novel with literary agent Katie Grimm of Don Congdon Associates. You'll share your pages with Katie and a small group of writers at the event start. Then, you will have two weeks to critique one another's work. Katie will post her feedback towards the end of the two weeks. After the critiques, we'll hold a debrief webinar, where each person is given time to ask Katie questions about their manuscript feedback, as well as market and craft questions. This is a great opportunity to meet other writers and get professional feedback in a small group setting.


Who this workshop is for:


Group size: writers



Members: $; Non-members: $

About Brooke McIntyre


Mon, May 8th - Participants submit
Mon, May 22nd - Critiques due from all participants
May 19th-22nd - Katie posts critiques
Wed, May 24th, 8-10pm ET - Debrief call
Thurs, June 1st - Group workspace closes