Book Study: WRITING PICTURE BOOKS by Ann Whitford Paul • Last activity 10/Oct

This is a 10-week book study that will focus on studying Ann Whitford Paul's WRITING PICTURE BOOKS (Revised and Expanded Edition) Following the book's structure, we will study a chapter a week, and post questions for discussion. 

WRITING PICTURE BOOKS is one of the top-recommended books on the craft of writing picture books. Please ensure you get your book copy before the book study begins on January 15, 2023.



Picture Books (Fiction, Nonfiction)


The goal of this Book Club is to support each other through the self-studied writing class and work with other picture book writers for constructive feedback.

Admissions Policies

Picture Book writers interested in learning the techniques spelled out in the book to better craft their stories.

What we're looking for in members

Participants in the group are expected to read the book and do the exercises by applying the principles to the manuscript. They may share the exercises with the group or post questions to get feedback.