Humor in Picture Books • Last activity 04/May

This pop-up group is for giving and receiving critique feedback specifically on the humor in a fiction picture book. I'm looking for advanced writers and advanced critiquers, and I'm limiting the size to four writers (including me), so we'll all have time to read thoroughly and give full, constructive feedback. We can provide some general feedback about plot and character, but I want the primary focus of our critiques and discussion to be on the humor of our stories: what is making us laugh or not laugh, what will or won't make kids laugh (and why), and what we can do to make the humor stronger.

Looking forward to reading your work and hearing your feedback!



Picture Books (Fiction)


Receive powerful overall critiques & specific manuscript feedback that will help all group members to significantly strengthen the humor elements of their story.

Admissions Policies

I've listed the criteria for this group below. When you request to join the group, please include a note telling me how you meet all the criteria. I know I'm sounding "harsh," but I want to make sure we are all giving & getting strong critiques that will help us take our stories to the next level. -You have a complete humorous picture book to submit to this group. -You have been writing AND critiquing picture books on a regular basis for a minimum of three years. You should know how to give a robust big-picture critique as well as feedback about specific elements of a manuscript (i.e., more than spelling and grammar corrections). -You are currently querying agents or editors with picture books and have received positive feedback or a request for additional work. (Or you have actually had a picture book acquired by an editor or have signed with an agent based on one or more picture books.)

What we're looking for in members

I'm going to do a bit of research ahead of time and--if I can find some good ones--post links to articles that talk about humor in picture books. Once I've got these up, if you can read them before doing your critiques, it might make all our feedback more helpful.