Accountability-Only • Last activity 26/Apr

We are a friendly bunch of writers from all kinds of genres. We share our weekly writing and reading goals and support each other in pursuing them. We cheer each other on. Lend an ear. Share links. Fill each other's reading lists. AND congratulate on our progress and accomplishments.



Novels (Literary, Upmarket, Relationship fiction (sometimes called Women’s Fiction), Historical fiction, Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Horror, Mystery, Crime, and Thriller, Romance)
Short Fiction (Flash Fiction, Literary, upmarket or general, Historical, Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, Other Speculative Fiction, Mystery, Crime, or Thriller, Romance)
Poetry (Poetry)
Nonfiction (Memoir, Narrative nonfiction, Essay, Other Short Nonfiction)


Picture Books (Fiction, Nonfiction)
Early Readers and Chapter Books (Early Readers and Chapter Books)
Middle Grade (Contemporary fiction, Historical Fiction, Adventure or Mystery, Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, Graphic Novel, Memoir, Nonfiction)
Young Adult (Contemporary fiction, Historical Fiction, Mystery, Crime, or Thriller, Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Horror, Romance, Graphic Novel, Memoir, Nonfiction)


To support each other. To keep writing and reading. Make progress on our revisions. Finish our work.

Admissions Policies

Open to any writer who is committed to accountability and who can contribute to weekly check-ins.

What we're looking for in members

Weekly check ins: share what you're reading and writing. Encourage other members and share any tools/resources that are helpful to you in your writing process.

Inactivity Policy

This group is a supportive place for writers who want to be accountable. So we ask you to please post regularly every week. If you do however need to take a break of up to six weeks due to personal circumstances, that's okay. Just please let us know. If however you have to take a leave for more than six weeks, we ask you to step aside and make space for an active member, so our group will stay active and running. Of course there is always the possibility to join again when you're ready to post regularly again.