Pitch Wars Packet Critique • Last activity 22/Oct

Short-term critique group for Pitch Wars synopsis and query letters. Please note that we will not be critiquing the MS itself.

Please see information on Pitch Wars at:


Submission should include:
1) Query letter
2) One-to-three page story synopsis
3) First ten pages of manuscript



Middle Grade (Contemporary fiction, Historical Fiction, Adventure or Mystery, Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, Graphic Novel, Memoir, Nonfiction)
Young Adult (Contemporary fiction, Historical Fiction, Mystery, Crime, or Thriller, Low magic/fantasy, Fantasy, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Horror, Romance, Graphic Novel)


Polish submission packets for Pitch Wars.

Admissions Policies

Please request an invite.

What we're looking for in members

Positive, encouraging, motivated writers who are hoping to find mentorship for their novel.

Inactivity Policy
