Crooked Joints and Broken Bones • Last activity 08/Apr

This group is dedicated to those of us with self awareness, the knowledge that we are novices for a reason, not yet ready for publication. We can conjure fine plots and characters, but, alas, we must first hone our writings skills. We can imagine an ornate and colorful vase full of wondrous flowers. We can clearly see that image. But when we go to render that image upon the canvas, it looks as if painted by a ten year old rather than by an accomplished artist. Our brush strokes are too full of paint, sloppy lines and blurred images. Our colors are wrong, our shadings, our usage of light and background are flawed and imprecise. We find ourselves unable to communicate what's in our heads, because we are using worn out tools, mechanics best left for texting and emails but which have no place in literary work.

So this group is for honing our skills and techniques and also exploring all manner of ideas, from the simple to the salacious, the mundane to the violent to the overtly sexual. Let your imagination run wild, experiment. No censorship here!!



Novels (Literary)


Completing works for publication

Admissions Policies

Upon request

What we're looking for in members

A partner(s) who are actively engaged in producing serious work but who recognize that to be writers we must first master the craft of rendering bold words and perfect sentences.

Inactivity Policy

Upon 30 days of unexplained activity, the member will be removed.