Middle Grade Fiction Critiques, with Rachael Stein

October 10th, 2019 - November 11th, 2019

with Rachael Stein

Group started
Get feedback on your first 3,750 words (15 pages) with Rachael Stein, editor at Sterling Publishing, and a small group of writers. Participants will submit their pages at the event start and then have almost 3 weeks to critique one another's work. Rachael will post her feedback at the end of this time. After the critiques, we'll hold a webinar debrief, where each person is given time to ask Rachael questions about their manuscript feedback, as well as other writing or industry questions. This is a great opportunity to meet other middle grade writers, learn from their feedback, and to get feedback from an editor experienced in the children's publishing market.

Inked Voices & Rachael Stein are pleased to offer a place in the workshop, free of cost, to a writer of color or to a writer of an #ownvoices work. Apply: https://inkedvoices.typeform.com/to/jelkjN


Who this workshop is for: Unagented or agented middle grade fiction writers interested in market and editorial feedback from an editor and interested in meeting other MG writers.


Group size: 8 writers

Submissions: There will be one submission of up to 3,750 words (about 15 pages). Submit at the event start.


Members: $82; Non-members: $99

About Rachael Stein

Rachael Stein is an editor at Sterling Children’s Books, an imprint of Sterling Publishing. She works on books for kids of all ages, including the Sam Wu chapter book series by Katie and Kevin Tsang; Martin McLean, Middle School Queen, a contemporary middle grade novel by Alyssa Zaczek, forthcoming January 2020; and Invent-a-Pet by Vicky Fang and illustrated by Tidawan Thaipinnarong, a STEM-friendly picture book forthcoming Spring 2020. Prior to Sterling, Rachael was at Clarion Books, an imprint of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, where she was lucky to work with many award-winning authors, including Linda Sue Park, Ronald L. Smith, Claire Hartfield, and Gary D. Schmidt. If she’s ever not reading, you might find her biking, eating, working on her latest sewing project, or occasionally on Twitter @rachaeljstein.


Thurs, Oct 10th - writers submit
Wed, Oct 30th - critiques due (Rachael will submit in the last 3 days)
Mon, Nov 4th, 8-10pm ET - debrief call
Mon, Nov 11th - group ends